Strong vibrant gestures and colors are addressing the viewer. Pure vitality is evolving from the new series. The color`s strength underpins the energy of creativity.
An interchanging between silence and dynamics, the illusion of a pictorial space, the allusion of a landscape. Paintings that evolve by space and color and in-between different hues.
Bodies and corporeality, stencils and figures, painted traces, dissolving colors, blurring forms. Lines not just as a formal reduction but a starting point for a visual conception in cooperation with the strength of the color.
Technically the works evolve from acrylics, translucent on untreated linen. Additionally the painting knife and oil chalks are used.
Dialogues in Color
In Andrea Pfeil´s paintings the colors seem to talk. Yellow is well heared because of it’s purple neighbor. Orange shines light bolstered by the dark blue next to it.
Colors speak to us from the art works, a vibrant dialogue between contrast and similarity.